July 11-12, 1998
Jacksons' Fly-in
A Smash Hit!
Iroquois Airpark, Ontario

On July 11th and 12th, a fantastic seventy people partook of George and Irma Jackson's now famous lunch. The '98 Iroquois fly-in scored another smash hit! The preliminary report is below. The full report and pictures will be posted soon.

In spite of very strong, gusty winds on Friday and Saturday, 13 Challengers actually flew in while autos brought the remainder of the crowd. Some thirty owners were joined by family, friends and owner-wannabe's to make a quite affable bunch.

After the Saturday evening barbecue, Maurice Vinet, owner and president of Puddlejumper Floats, gave an informative talk on ultralight float flying. This was followed by the presentation of awards by Major Claude Roy, director of the Canadian chapter of the Challenger Owners Association.

The Farthest Flown award was won by Marc Marcil who came from Brampton, west of Toronto. Marc outdistanced Bryan and Nate Quickmire by 15 miles and Bill Postil by 20 miles to earn the much respected award.

The coveted Best Plane award went to Gilles Chattel for his beautiful yellow Challenger. Jean-Marc Côté is on quite a roll as this is the second fly-in in a row where a Challenger he's built has taken home this trophy!

On Sunday the weather was perfect with clear blue skies and light winds. The spot landing contest was won by Major Claude Roy who landed only eight feet from the line. The team of Ian and Scottie Coristine took the gold in the Flour Bombing contest with a near bullseye which caused the judges to break out in applause.

The entire Jackson family - parents, kids, spouses, even the grandchildren - worked hard to make the fly-in the success it was. A huge thank you goes to the Jacksons from the Challenger Owners Association!

Read about the 1997 event in Jacksons' Iroquois Fly-in Rated 5 Star.

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